Welcome to the Lesser Sunda linguistic databases

This website presents databases for linguistic and cultural information on the Lesser Sunda islands in East Timor and eastern Indonesia. The site was set up and is maintained by the NWO Vici project “Reconstructing the past through languages of the present: the Lesser Sunda Islands” at Leiden University.


Out of the three Cross-Linguistic Linked Databases (CLLD) maintained by the project, LexiRumah is publicly available, while GramRumah and CultureRumah are still in preparation.


Publically available from this website is LexiRumah, an extensive lexical database containing word lists from over 100 different lects of the Austronesian and Timor-Alor-Pantar families. The repository contains several ten thousand word forms, together with their corresponding metadata and links to other relevant CLLDs, such as Concepticon for the meanings in the word lists.

LexiRumah is a separate publication by Kaiping, Gereon & Klamer, Marian with Wu, Jiang. We recommend you cite it as

Kaiping, Gereon & Klamer, Marian (eds.) LexiRumah 2.0.0 – A lexical database of Lesser Sunda languages. Leiden: Leiden University Centre for Linguistics, 2019. Available online at //lexirumah.model-ling.eu/. Accessed on [today].


GramRumah will be a repository of typological data extracted from published grammars about languages of the region. It is currently under development.


CultureRumah will be a repository of anthropological features gathered through field work questionnaires. It is currently under development.